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Slogan Sought By Dessert Company

Canadensis, PA - WeWantDessert.com has announced the winner of their "Slogan Contest". The contest was launched by P. Jason King Associates, Inc. who handles all the marketing, advertising, promotion, and public relations for the firm. The contest launched October 23, 2008. The rules and regulations along with participation forms were sent to the company's entire mailing list of customers. The winner who asked not to be mentioned won a Month of Free Cheese Cakes.

The winning slogan:

"No Matter How You Spell Our Name -
The Destination Is The Same"


The contest idea came from the Chief Marketing Officer, Jason King when he realized many people have a problem spelling the word Dessert properly. Many people may be thinking of those yummies but spell out that dry ghostlike sandy desert. King said "we immediately purchased all the dot-coms..."


Also purchased were:

King went on to explain "now you can understand no matter how you spell Dessert you will end up at our web site..." WeWantDessert.com

Jeanie Kurzrok, Founder and Chief Baker was delighted to add the new slogan.

This release was created especially for WeWantDessert.com
by P. Jason King Associates, Inc. A Marketing, Advertising, Promotions
and Public Relations Company. For more info go to PJasonKingAssociates.com
Click on Consulting Services.

© 2008, WeWantDessert.com. All Rights Reserved.